Check sepsis symptoms >
Sepsis causes11 million deathsglobally each year
Just Ask: Could it be sepsis?
Learn to recognise the signs of sepsis in adults and children, equipping yourself with potentially life-saving information.
Get sepsis support
Whether you’ve been bereaved by the condition, have just left hospital with questions, or are concerned about a loved one, our team of Support Nurses are here to help.
Support our work
From fundraising to corporate partnerships, to signing up as volunteer there are loads of ways you can support our vital mission.
UKST aims to end preventable deaths and improve outcomes for sepsis survivors, striving to raise public awareness and working to support anyone affected by this devastating condition.
We do this through educating healthcare professionals; raising public awareness levels, and lobbying for political change. Our team of trained Support Nurses help people through sepsis recovery and bereavement.
We aim to protect people by enabling the prevention of severe infection and the treatment of sepsis, whilst also helping to ensure antibiotics are used responsibly.
James’ Story
It's just chicken pox...

Yousef’s Story
It's just a fever...

Greg’s Story
It's just a cold...

Karin’s Story
It's just a pulled muscle...

Martin’s Story
It's just a high temperature...

Our impact
of people who develop sepsis are estimated to suffer physical, cognitive and/or psychological after effects – we support thousands of these people each year.
of people knew that sepsis is a medical emergency as of 2024, up from 76% in 2019 and 27% in 2012 (YouGov).
of British Hospitals use the Sepsis Six, a practical tool we developed to help healthcare professionals deliver the basics of sepsis care rapidly and reliably.
awareness saves lives
Sepsis can affect anyone of any age, but it’s often treatable if caught quickly… which is why we need everyone to get Sepsis Savvy! It’s quick, free, and easy to do.
Awareness saves lives, so please take 5 minutes to watch our short video and then test what you’ve learnt by playing the game. Doing so could help protect yourself and your loved ones from this silent killer.

Joining the recovery support and connect groups was one of the best things I’ve done. All of those really confusing feelings suddenly didn’t feel as isolating - Abbie Kitson
Help us provide free support services to help people like Abbie make sense of life after sepsis.
Featured news
27 February 2025